
30 Mar 16

Prostate Cancer Robert Spillerprostate cancer Robert Spiller I am asking for your help

About a month ago, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. No its not terminal
and hasn’t mastastized yet, and I don’t want to do any type of radiation
implants, surgeries, especially removing the prostate. I want to take a
natural approach…….

13 Oct 13

Today I installed Windows Live Writer on my computer so now I will be able to share with my viewers without even going to my Blog. I hope this will be an enjoyable experience

Joyce Greene

joyce pic 3 with Darline

4 Feb 13

Enjoy the Video
Joyce R Greene 410-963-2556

12 Aug 10

We must always be mindful of other peoples feelings. Each person looks at the world differently. I was asked recently, “What makes your life worth living?” For me its always about family. Watching my child progress and enjoying my grandchildren. What makes your life worth living? cont’d Wonderdee.com

Wonderdee, inventor of the Keyring Reader, aka the Vision Buddy

18 Mar 10

Hi! Joyce Greene here videotaping again.
Beverly Thompson is an old friend and business associate of mine, Joyce Greene. We go back as far as 2003. Beverly has always been persistent and consistent in the things she does. When she makes up her mind to do something you cannot stop her. She may move fast or slow, but she gets her job done. Beverly is a person that believes in coming in early and staying late.
Beverly has been in Financial Destination since its beginning. I do not believe she have missed one event. She grew in network marketing by continuous education. She attended different groups and seminars.
I remember when I and Beverly attended aTag Team Seminar, in Beltsville Maryland, we were so excited that we brought the information back to our group and had the entire group attending the next session. We learned many skills in personal development. We still use these skills today. One skill I will always remember is that we had to look into the eyes of our group partner for about five minutes, while saying motivation and empowering quotes. After doing this exercise, it became easy to look someone into their eyes for long periods while speaking with them. At the end of these many seminars, our personal development skills had greatly improved.
In addition, I remember when Beverly and I would travel weekly up and down the road, two hours each way, helping people. We sometimes did not get home until after twelve mid night. We did this for a long time and enjoyed it.
As the years passed we started going in different directions. Just recently, we have gotten back together again. We have made a complete circle because we are now working together again.

28 Feb 10

Joyce Greene socializing and videotaping in André Vaughn office (FDI’s highest paid rep) at 505 Park Ave Baltimore’s meeting. It is our Thursday FDI regular opportunity meeting, with a training class that follows it.
We are trained on network marketing, leadership, personal development, telecommunication, internet marketing, attraction of thing we want, working from home, getting leads for our business, and with the expert teaching and family atmosphere of Andre Vaughn, we are learning other strategies.
This is the week before our Winter Rally in California. This is also the week that Andre is celebrating his 5 years in FDI. Andre was a schoolteacher before he started in FDI. This is the only network marketing company that he has ever been involved in. He came from the bottom and went straight to the top and have been there every since. I have been videotaping him since he started with FDI. Videos of him are a part of my many video collections.
We are being trained to expose people to the business and connect them to the group so that way everyone will grow as a unit, new and old members alike. I find it profitable, fun and a means of socializing. I myself, a baby-boomer, find it enjoyable to have wholesome people to communicate with while making money.

16 Nov 09

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!