20 Mar 14

Hi Guys
My cousin always told me that life will teach you all you want to know. I have learned to understand that she is right.
On my journey of aging I have learned that the more you are opened to learn going through life the more you are preparing for the different stages of life.
Also, if you are open to except that the world is changing, the better chances you will have to survive though the change.
I am all about spreading the world in the ever changing health and wellness. So I want to tell you a quick story. I HAD a friend that would only listen to the doctor and not check out things for herself. We both worked as care providers. One of my client got cancer, but she was open minded and after using nature things along with what her doctor prescribed she when into remission within 3 months. Now later my friend got sick, she started to use the nature produces but she stopped. She could still be her if she learned more before she got sick.
All this is to say if you want to help your friends and relatives help them learn as much as they can while they are still well, because if you get sick, your own knowledge will kick in to help you make better choose.
This is Joyce R Greene
Be Blessed

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